I’m Always Holding Something

That is the big joke with my family and friends!  There is always a way to help yourself feel better and Jin Shin Jyutsu, very simply empowers you to do this.  The acupressure points (called Safety Energy Locks) on your body can be held and harmonized anytime anywhere.  

The arch of the foot is home to Safety Energy Lock 6.  SEL 6 is about balance and discrimination.  So, if you are feeling out of balance in any way you can hold this point.  And since it's not always easy to reach the arch of your foot, get creative.  Just use your other foot!  Like the picture above.

Many of my clients live a life that is out of balance. Too much work and not enough play.  Or too much thinking and not enough action taking.  Too much emotional upset.  How can I tell?  If I feel around the arch of the foot it is often tender.  Or sometimes there is a ball of congestion.  This congestion may be the size of a pea or as big and solid as a golfball.  That's when I know their life is really out of balance. 

So, how does the arch of your foot feel?


Find Your Passion


Are You Running on Empty?