Innate Wisdom

Your body has innate wisdom. When you know the tools and give your body the support it needs, it knows how to heal itself.

The invisible pathways in your body, also known as meridians follow a certain flow pattern. When this pattern gets disrupted the pathways no longer flow harmoniously through your body.

What causes these disruptions?

Life in a human body. Plan and simple. As humans we are exposed to so much. On a daily basis we are exposed to all sorts of chemicals. On a daily basis we are exposed to negativity. Being “tripped up” in life happens. This is what we digest mentally, physically and emotionally every day.

And all of these can have a physical effect on your body.

The gift of Jin Shin Jyutsu is you have your hands to shift these pathways. Your hands, strategically placed on your body can reverse the flow and make physical changes in your body.

I have had massage therapists amazed at the physical changes that they see in their own body as well as those of their clients just from the gentle application of hands placed specifically on the body.

Join me today as a I lead a guided Jin Shin Jyutsu flow meditation that moves the energy in the spine. This may release the label of dowagers hump/kyphosis and will relax you at the same time.


“Change is inevitable.”


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